This report of mine was based on my observation November 16th and 17th 2017, at Alba Street 3 number 51, Subdistrict of Rancaekek, Kabupaten Bandung. To make this report as simplify as I can, I will let the story flow just as it was I seen. Its like I'm at this time, which trying to use English to writting, may be with any uncompletes of my vocabulary, and also with limitedly grammar which I understanding now. But I know, this is an essence of a process to learn in order to be better than before. Ichsan Nugraha, the owner of "sablon's" business, accept me in his house which used by him for production place too. When I arrived, he was made some activities with his friend; a man who named Tedy Setiadi. The activities were called by: "nyablon". It is because in Indonesian Language, and it's any other mother languanges, the verb with "s" leter which layed early or in the first, whenever would to be make as an active in a sentence, ussually use